Now, I’m ready to write the book my students and readers around the world have asked for – Chakra Healing Simplified. I have the title ready, Balance Your Life, and my enormous pile of information at the ready.
I want this book written quickly. So, I decided to jump into a new way of writing for me – an organized routine and structure for writing. I was introduced to this program, NOVEL IN A MONTH, when joining Indie Author Counsel, and I’m going to see if the system works to use both my left and right brain to complete my self-help guide.
Now, are YOU ready to write as well? Laptop at the ready, a rough story outine lying pent-up, cramped into the folds of your brain, awaiting glorious release through your fingertips?
Anton Chekhov suggested that every sentence should spend two days in the brain, lying perfectly still and putting on weight. But using that principle, your work might be completed by the time you are 98 years old.
If you want to join me in the challenge of writing a book in a month, try the program along with me….
Learn how YOU can write your own book in just ONE MONTH, by visiting the official website:
I’ll be posting my progress as I move through my outline this week. If you try the program or have other writing advice, please share your comments as well.
Happy writing,
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries