Author Anni Sennov is a renowned Scandinavian clairvoyant advisor who shares her supernatural gifts of sensing energy and auras in an enlightening book, Golden Age, Golden Earth, on how we on earth now fit into the bigger spiritual picture.
According to Sennov, the Golden Age began with the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012, with humans ready to use their power in a constructive and positive way for the benefit of the Earth and mankind.
“…spirit energy is beginning to take form and become visible for all to see, feel and sense and even hear, smell and taste. This is going to be very significant for the future development of planet Earth.”
The new Golden energy is described as the current height of human spiritual development here on Earth, higher than other energies in a human’s aura, including Indigo and Crystal energies.
To better understand Earth’s role in the overall cosmic development, the author examines the influence of the planets in our solar systems on consciousness here on Earth and on those born with particular planetary influences.
“Earth consists of many different entities and individuals who come here from virtually the whole of the Cosmos.”
Golden Age, Golden Earth then explains how to use this information and how to help manifest integration and cooperation here on Earth.
Sennov shares insights that were a revelation to me, and will be to others who haven’t read any of her previous books or taken her workshops. This book offers a greater understanding of our human potential, explains how to make better choices, and shares knowledge of how to create a better future.
Here, Anni Sennov answers my questions about her remarkable book, Golden Age, Golden Earth:
Q. What would you say is the major theme of your book?
The major theme of my “Golden book” is my favorite spiritual topic in life, the Golden Life Force of Planet Earth.
I love the spiritual materialization power and Golden life force that is found here on Earth even though not all people show interest in the spiritual part of the Golden energy. Most people with a physical approach to life are usually mostly attracted to the material part of Earth’s energy where the money is. In their world money is the solution to everything.
On the opposite side, most spiritual people look to the Cosmos, away from Earth, for answers to all big questions in life, but as I see it, all physical and spiritual answers are found within our own body, which represents the densest part of our spiritual energy. Our “Golden body” always knows what is right for us, if we allow ourselves to listen to it.
In the book, I have also shared information about the other planets in our solar system and about the future of our planet seen from an energy perspective. It’s my main goal to make the reader understand that the highest creation and creative power is found here, and that they can use their free will and power to test out all sorts of amazing and crazy ideas in the physical sphere as well as change their own life, if they want to. There is no reason to accept everything as it is.
Q. In these stressful global times, why do you write that we should be optimistic about the future?
In my books and work I try to motivate people to “fight” in a positive way for what they believe in and at the same time cooperate with others with a similar vision. Don’t sit down and do nothing, unless you are ill or very old and thereby excused from acting. Stagnation is not what the Golden energy is about, as stagnation can be compared to death. The Golden energy is a flowing, spiritual, intelligent materialization power and life force that allows people to breathe, relax, have fun, love and be dedicated.
Every time I teach people how to approach the Golden life force in Planet Earth to better succeed and change their existing life conditions, new possibilities always show up in their lives based on their inner needs and their trust in the Golden energy. People simply wake up and suddenly understand that there is a much bigger life force and power in Planet Earth than any president or guru can ever control. Paradise is here for those who believe in it and make the right decisions in life based on their inner needs, balance and love – not on outer physical, material and mental needs and wishes.
Q. What message would you like readers to take away from Golden Age, Golden Earth?
Even if my readers have not had a happy start in life, they always have the opportunity of changing their life conditions, if they are willing to cooperate with the Golden life force in Earth.
We all know that there are many bad places on Earth, and many bad people who are selfish or survival-focused in different ways. But in all bad places there are also kind people, even if you don’t see them. So, whenever you start cooperating with the Golden life force in Earth and you accept the terms of not being selfish and greedy, and you show to the world that you can cooperate with others without judging them and feeling superior, you will always get help in a way that you can’t imagine.
You will get help from the biggest Golden creative source in Earth that is in contact with all existing energies on Earth. Do you get the point? The Golden energy can make all things happen, simply because it has the biggest spiritual and physical network ever.
Q. Can you explain how an AuraTransformation™ assists one’s personal development?
An AuraTransformation™ is for adults only, as all children and young people born since 1995 do not need it.
It’s an energy upgrade of the soul aura structure that will be transformed into a Crystal aura with a much stronger radiance and magnetic protection, that matches the frequencies of today’s children and young people. You will be better able to attract what you need in life even without knowing what it is, you will be faster in acting out your inner thoughts and be true to yourself and others, be more intuitive, prefer balance and pick your fights, try to influence your own life as well as the life of those you care about, you will think of yourself and the whole, and be more patient, and you will no longer fuel hidden agendas and programs that you dislike. Best of all is that your timing will be optimal – especially if you listen to the Golden energy in the body.
Today more than 700 Aura Mediators are educated around the world and more than 100,000 people have had an AuraTransformation™.
Q. What is the relevance of December 21, 2012, to changes occurring both in our galaxy and here on Earth?
December 21, 2012, was the day when the Mayan Calendar ended, and it was the day when Planet Earth took over the full responsibility for all human and spiritual development here on Earth. Until then all development was predetermined into detail in all people’s lives as a part of an overall soul-based reincarnation plan for our solar system. All decisions related to things taking place here on Earth were therefore a compromise between powerful energies residing outside of Planet Earth, which is about to change. Therefore, there is chaos in many places around the world until a new Golden balance is reached.
Q. How is Golden energy different than the other energies we have experienced on Earth?
The Golden energy has been here all the time, but most spiritual, mental and intellectual people have thought it was primitive and not spiritual at all, which is why they have underestimated and belittled it. So now when the New Time Crystal energy is present in the auras and bodies of today’s children, the frequency of the Golden energy can be raised from survival level and greed to a much more balanced level with focus on taking care of one self and others as well as of the environment of our holy planet.
Q. You write that “Deep in the interior of Planet Earth, the Golden energy of all mankind lies waiting for each individual person to be ready to activate his/her personal Golden energy.” How can one increase their level of Golden energy?
All people can increase their level of Golden energy – connect with nature, eat healthy food, rest, try not to live a stressful life, be happy, cooperate with others, don’t be judgmental, set reasonable boundaries in life, listen to your body’s needs (and not just to the brain or heart). Focus on having balance on all levels in daily life, do balancing energy exercises and move your body, feel love and be grateful for what you have, etc.
In my Golden workshops and Transformational webinars, I guide the participants through exciting and powerful energy exercises where they learn how to connect with Planet Earth in a very profound and different way, so they end up getting in contact with their own inner Golden source and dharma.
Q. How does Golden energy affect one on the soul and spirit levels?
On the soul level it’s more difficult to act out things in life that are not part of your karma and destiny. However, the Golden energy will always cooperate with you if you have positive, and not egoistic, intentions.
On the spirit level where you find all today’s children and young people, as well as those adults who have had an AuraTransformation™, you have the possibility of changing your own life according to your own inner needs, as long as you fulfill your dharma and life tasks that are the reasons why you are born on Earth.
Q. Can you explain what you mean when you say “Earth is positioned on a development belt in the Cosmos?”
Many universes in the Cosmos are very spiritual – their energies are evolving in a very balanced and predictable way. That is not how things are in our solar system, where Planet Earth, due to its combined spiritual-material energy, expands extremely fast in many ways. Just have a look at how things change in society every day.
Q. Does this book stand alone in your mind, or is a follow-up to others that readers should process first?
Golden Age, Golden Earth can stand alone. However, if readers prefer to better understand the differences in the aura structures that today’s children are born with, which I refer to in the “Golden book”, I recommend that they first read Balance on All Levels with the Crystal and Indigo Energies.
Q. What is the best way for readers to connect with you?
The best way to connect with me is probably by signing up for my newsletter on my website www.annisennov.com. Here you will find information about the 25+ books I have written (published in 10 languages), and about my workshops, webinars and AuraTransformation™. Furthermore, you can read articles and comment on/follow my Golden Blog.
Golden Age, Golden Earth is available on Amazon.com.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet
The Chakra Blog