Whole grains support the Solar Plexus Chakra with complex carbs – high energy food without the sugar rush/crash. Look for brown rice, steel cut oatmeal, millet, quinoa, amaranth, polenta and buckwheat. Make a whole pot of grain (these last 3 days in the fridge) and serve 1/2 cup per meal instead of eating simple carbs like flour products and sugary, processed foods.
The Solar Plexus is also nourished by yellow tomatoes and squashes, and yellow fruit that contain enzymes to make your digestion even more powerful… like pineapple and papayas, which contain bromelain and papain.
In addition to following THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, add these activities to your day to power up your self-confidence, your personal power, your get-up-and-go… all attributes of a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra:
First thing in the morning, practice “Saturation Praise,” telling yourself everything good about yourself and the day ahead of you.
Take a walk after meals to facilitate digestion and build up your bone and muscle strength. And, of course, do some spinal twists in your yoga routine.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Energy Diet
P.S. For a personalized Chakra Diet Menu Plan, simply fill out the Chakra Quiz in The Chakra Energy Diet, and email me the results at [email protected].