Body weight issues are commonly associated with the Root Chakra. When the Root Chakra is balanced, you feel strong and supported, safe, grounded, and peaceful… no reason to reach for comfort food when you’re not hungry.
Foods, especially that share colors with the chakras, carry vibrations that can activate or balance your chakras.
Root Chakra Healing Foods: Animal protein, root vegetables, edible and medicinal mushrooms, and red-colored foods (beets, apples, pomegranates, etc.) nourish the root chakra, and will help balance it.
Root Chakra Healing Activities: Gardening is the #1 activity I recommend for Root Chakra grounding AND for weight loss. The University of Utah did a study that agreed, showing that burying your hands in the earth can help you bury excess pounds as well. The researchers found that the average body mass index (BMI) of female gardeners was 1.84 lower than that of their non-gardening neighbors, or approximately 10 pounds less for a woman 5’ 5” tall. For men, the difference was even greater, so bend down and dig in the soil, guys. Male gardeners had an average BMI difference of 2.36, which translates to 16 lbs. less for a 5’ 10” physique.
These research results, reported in the American Journal of Public Health, showed that spouses of the gardeners also had lower BMIs, which was attributed to eating more fresh produce and possibly helping with pulling weeds and other gardening activities.
When we balance our chakras, we craft our lives the way we want them to be, rather than living in constant reaction to forces outside of us. These spirals of energy are wheels that heal, feeding the body good energy and profoundly affecting our metabolism, as well as emotions, sensations and behaviors.
One of my favorite recipes for the Root Chakra is for Borscht (beet soup), a great diet food for the Root Chakra (without the sour cream dollop that is often added on top).
Please share your favorite recipe for Root Chakra balancing – it may be included in my upcoming book THE CHAKRA DIET!
Becca Chopra, author of Chakra Secrets, The Chakra Diaries and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life