For many years I have pushed fruits and vegetables as part of The Chakra Energy Diet, as they bring needed color and nutrients to your plate, and greater balance, vitality and health to your body. And I was so pleased to read more about the benefits of these incredible gifts from the Earth.
In his latest book, Life-Changing Foods, the Medical Medium explains the many mystery illnesses for which doctors don’t have a cure. Anthony William says more than 200 million people in the U.S. alone deal with these illnesses, from chronic fatigue to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, to cancer and many chronic illnesses. He says we need to look at the root cause of these illnesses – what he calls The Unforgiving Four: radiation, toxic heavy metals such as mercury, the viral explosion such as Epstein-Barr Virus, and DDT (an insecticide revealed 50 years ago to wreck health) which is still in our environment. And our stress culture makes it just that much harder for our bodies to cope with these added assaults.
But wait, William follows his “doom and gloom” of toxins in our environment with The Holy Four life-changing foods: fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, and wild foods.
We’ve all heard about the benefits of turmeric, yes? But William breaks down every one of the edibles he includes in The Holy Four explaining why they’re good for your well-being. Physically, he says turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and can also break the pattern of diseases such as lupus in which Epstein-Barr virus creates a continuing immune response. He lists the many conditions turmeric will help and the symptoms it can relieve. What was new for me, and probably will be for most readers, is the Emotional Support turmeric provides (if you have trouble with self-worth, turmeric is ideal). There are also Spiritual Lessons to be learned from turmeric (it can relieve inflammation that causes judgment, blame, rage or perpetual dissatisfaction).
Following a breakdown of each food’s properties and its uses, this book offers tips on how to best use the food, plus a recipe – in the case of turmeric, immune-boosting Turmeric-Ginger Shots.
On a sweeter note, William gives us insight into Wild Blueberries, which hold thousands of years of healing wisdom.
“The very first wild blueberry plants to take hold in North America passed on their survival knowledge to the planets that followed them, so that the wild blueberries we blend into a smoothie today are rich with generations of information.”
And he recommends picking your organic or wild berries yourself (an unmatchable grounding technique) and eating them unwashed for the elevated bionics they contain that no probiotic pill can match. He then offers a delicious recipe for Berries and Cream, made from whipped coconut milk.
Above all, I love this book because it explains how central food is to saving yourself – your health of body, mind and spirit. And he debunks food fads, letting you page through the many Life-Changing Foods and putting them together into just the right diet for you.
You can also check his website www.MedicalMedium.com for information on his weekly radio show and blogs.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet