You may recognize some of these emotional or mental health issues commonly associated with the Sacral Chakra – sexual frigidity or promiscuity, confusion or addiction, co-dependency, being overly emotional or stoic, or feeling guilty.
Physical health issues include gynecological problems, urinary tract problems, stiffness or pain in the lower back.
Have food cravings? Body weight issues and sugar/carbohydrate cravings are commonly associated with this chakra. Cravings can result from unfelt or unexpressed emotions, as well as to the common condition candidiasis, better known as a yeast infection, also associated with this chakra. An overgrowth of yeast can often follow a course of antibiotics or birth control pills and can be centered just in the area of the Sacral Chakra (the female sex organs) or move systemically throughout the body. When you have this condition, you’ll feel like you have a gremlin inside that needs to be fed, you’ll feel tired, and lacking in passion for love and life in general.
When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, you’ll feel confident in social interactions, free to process your emotions, feel creative, and able to enjoy sex and other pleasurable activities, like a holiday feast, without guilt.
Foods, especially those that share colors with the chakras, carry vibrations that can activate or balance your chakras.
Sacral Chakra Healing Foods:
If you want to balance your Sacral Chakra, and reduce cravings that lead to overeating, replace processed foods and snacks that tend to be addictive, especially as most are loaded with sugar, GMOs, hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. Instead, focus on filling, nutritious yet naturally sweet orange-colored snacks and organic whole foods, ranging from raw carrots and peppers (use them to dip in hummus or plain tahini) to yams and winter squash such as kabocha or pumpkin, to a salad topped with orange edible flowers, nasturtiums. Foods that are high in protein and essential fatty acids and help balance the Sacral Chakra include flax, hemp and sesame seeds, wild-caught salmon, tuna and shellfish. Fruits include oranges, peaches, apricots, mangoes and papayas.
Foods that are orange usually contain phytonutrients and Vitamin A, helping release toxins from the body, supporting the reproductive system and encouraging flow (creativity) on all levels.
Sacral Chakra Healing Activities: Swimming, dancing and healthy home cooking are all activities I recommend for Sacral Chakra balancing AND getting you back in the flow and to your ideal weight.
The Sacral Chakra is connected to the element of water and its flowing state. While the Root Chakra is all about grounding to Mother Earth, the Sacral Chakra is about reaching out to others in physical movement. Let go and let yourself splash around in the pool/ocean or move on the dance floor to your favorite music or with your favorite person. Let go and engage in pleasure and passion.
Cooking whole foods vs. eating out can also increase your creativity – plan a colorful meal made with loving attention to healthy ingredients. Appreciate the beauty of the dishes you have created, breathe in their aroma, and chew them fully to savor their natural sweetness and assist in digestion. In truth, this is more satisfying than mindlessly stuffing down food to quench your pleasure center. And you'll notice a balancing not only of your Sacral Chakra, but of your weight as well.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets and Balance Your Chakra, Balance Your Life