Crystal healing works because the stones interact with your body's own natural subtle energies. Each crystal holds a vibration, much like chakras hold a vibration of color and energy. Crystals used to heal each chakra usually vibrate with the same color associated with that chakra. Edgar Cayce recommended illuminating a clear quartz crystal with the color of the chakra you wanted to heal, then to gaze on that crystal as you sang a mantra associated with that chakra (V A M for the Sacral Chakra) or repeated an appropriate affirmation. Even a photograph of the crystal holds the vibration, so feel free to print this out and use it in lieu of the real thing.
Gaze at the photo here while toning V A M and notice how you feel more sensuous, passionate and creative.
For photos, sound mantras and affirmations associated with all seven of the major chakras, see my new Kindle book, BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS, BALANCE YOUR LIFE.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life, and the Balance & Tone Your Chakras DVD