So, just as Barry, one of the characters in The Chakra Diaries did, we can start by surrounding that person in the mirror with green light, color therapy for the Heart Chakra. Like a rags-to-riches infomercial, results may vary, but just give it a try.
Another technique to boost your feelings of self-love is to re-visit those times in your childhood when you felt most loved, appreciated and supported and transport those feelings to the present, to right now! You CAN revel in those feelings again and carry them with you regardless of which purse you are packing. Feel them pump you up when you are down. Tweak and tune them, brand them as your own.
Now that we have you started on your merry way, how about some loving first aid for the other people in your life…
When someone else in your life is sad, try this warm and fuzzy exercise. Sit next to them and caress the tips of their hands. Notice the feelings that pop into your head. Stroke the back of their hand and then the palm. Which touch does your friend or lover respond most to?
When you have reached an end, shake off any unhappy energy toward the ground and ask your friend to repeat the process with you as the recipient.
Tomorrow, we will learn about ways to feed our heart when we are alone – sorry, no chocolate involved in this one.
Namaste! Becca