Make it a Habit - Try to schedule the same time each day for your meditation, for instance, just after awakening or just before bedtime.
Exercise - Doing yoga or other stretches first can relax your body, making it easier to sit in meditation.
Location - Choose a quiet spot with a cool breeze, just for meditation.
Sitting - Sit with your back straight, chest raised, head erect, eyes closed and hands resting palms upturned, in your lap.
Realistic time - It's better to start meditating 5 to 15 minutes at a time and be very consistent about it, then increase your time as you can. One longer meditation each week is very helpful.
Never fear - there is a meditation style for every personality. For example, Type A's may prefer a more active style of meditation, such as guided visualizations, which can offer the same benefits of relaxation. To try a guided visualization that you can listen to lying down, try this Chakra Meditation.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries