If your energy is stuck at the Sacral Chakra, your sex and your love life will be stuck as well. Accumulated stress in the body, whether emotional or physical, erects barriers to the natural flow of our life energy. So, too much stress may equal no love or even any prospects for it.
While the first or Base Chakra is linked to fortress-like solidity and stability, the second or Sacral Chakra is focused on flowing movement and filling your need to sip, bathe, luxuriate or douse in the vivacious, unpredictable and dynamic stream we call love. Swimming in the ocean's waves, or practicing the hypnotic hip swivels of oriental (belly) dancing or performing wu chi exercises may help you begin to experience the world of love that seems just beyond your heart's grasp.
Using yoga to balance the Sacral Chakra, you can practice the cobbler's pose to encourage life energy to flow throughout the pelvic area, the seat of this chakra. Or unleash and focus your creative spirits through painting or making music. Your skill level is not as important as just "doing it" and breaking down any barriers nesting in your body.
As an expression of our joy of living, whatever we create is beautiful, skillful, breathtaking and encouraging. In becoming more sensitive and responsive to what is going on in the world around us, we also further the grounding of our Root Chakra, allowing us to go boldly after what we seek in life, even a relationship that we can grow old with.
In addition to harboring pleasurable sensations, the Sacral Chakra can vacuum in and hold fast to pain and its attendant stress, damming up the free flow of energy and physically manifesting as infection and illness. We may be "going through the motions" in life, seeing the dust on the table and not the wondrous roses in the crystal vase. Our reactions to the world may vacillate widely from rage and aggression to breaking into tears at the slightest problem.
To aid in stress relief and balancing of the Sacral Chakra, place three clear quartz crystals, points facing outward, in a triangle just below your navel. Next, place three rose quartz stones in an arc above your pubic bone and relax for 4-5 minutes. Repeat as often as is needed for optimal energy flow.
Love and Namaste!