An unbalanced 3rd chakra may lead to indecisiveness, apathy, poor self-image, physical issues with digestion, and addiction to sugar and caffeine.
A balanced 3rd chakra is manifested in energy and confidence, the ability to follow through and persevere to reach our goals, and a vitality that all can see. With a balanced solar plexus chakra, you will have the strength to overcome life’s difficulties and emerge victorious.
The Boat Pose or Navasana is my favorite yoga pose to strengthen the navel, solar plexus energy. Any pose or exercise that tones and strengthens the abdominal area will be balancing for this chakra.
Inhale deeply, hold your breath and then exhale. The orange vortex of energy in the sacral chakra area moves up to your navel and turns bright yellow, right at your core. Breathe in and out of your core, building up the power of your center. Be open to the vitality, purpose and majesty of this bright yellow fire of life. Know that you can use this power to heal old pain and to remove old wounds. Breathe in and out of the flames of this inner sun and feel your body radiate with new purpose, wisdom and strength.
Two characters in The Chakra Diaries find their way out of depression and helplessness by balancing their Solar Plexus Chakras. Learn more on the pages of their diaries ~ both the Kindle and paperback version of The Chakra Diaries are on sale.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries