I invite you to download it, give it a read, and please take a moment to say what you found interesting or helpful on Amazon reviews. Here’s what a few other readers/writers have said about it.
An Inspirational Memoir ~ R. R. Harris, editor and author of Double Take
Chakra Secrets by Becca Chopra is part memoir, part fun, part romance, part drama and pure inspiration. It’s timeless, offering a look at one woman’s path through tragedy, guilt, unhappiness and chakra imbalance, into a state of grace – happy, healthy and loved. And even better, it’s free today for Kindle download to any reading device. Just go to http://amzn.to/15S76wr.
Love, sex and chakras. A great read! ~ Tom Rapsas, author of Life Tweets: Inspirational & Spiritual Insights That Can Change Your Life
“I thought Chakra Secrets was a blast, an easy read that’s both educational and entertaining. For starters, it appears to be loosely based on the author’s (adult) life story as she moves from one relationship to another while developing an interest and prowess in the chakras. There’s love, sex, loss (the death of her wandering husband), and a foray into reincarnation–even a side story on a notorious Hollywood star and couple that are part of her life (thinly veiled, see if you can figure out who they are). While she touches on the chakras throughout, there’s also a very helpful “Part 2″ at the end of the book. It details the 7 chakras and how to tap into them, including instructions on how to cure what ails you. Highly recommended!”
Reads like a novel with a BONUS! ~ Harriette Knight, author of CHAKRA POWER! How to Fire Up Your Energy Centers to Live a Fuller Life
“Becca Chopra’s CHAKRA SECRETS is both a prequel and sequel to her wonderful CHAKRA DIARIES. What I love most about these books is that they read like a novel, and that the stories overlap. They are totally engaging and engrossing and difficult to put down. Becca’s honesty is searing. She bares her soul for all of us to see, and relate to. There is a human-ness that is shared that goes beyond author and reader. The exercises in the back of the book are a BONUS and one I have referred to over and over. I love how Becca intertwines her own journey with the teachings of yoga and the chakras. She is a gift to all of us and a voice that needs to be heard.”
I Loved This Book! ~ Marla Martenson, author of Amateur Night
“What a great read. I am a fan of memoir and I just love a true story. Becca is brutally honest in this tale of finding herself. I am also an author of memoirs and her story reminded me of myself. She went through heartbreak, confusion, adventures, and learned valuable lessons. I love her writing style, and found the book hard to put down. Becca also teaches us about chakras in the book and gives a great exercise to open them up. I am eager to try it. I have also ordered her other books. She has a new fan!”
A Mainstream Fan ~ Wendy Naarup, author of Piece by Piece
“This honest, candid story about the author’s journey to happiness introduced me to the world of yoga and chakras. I didn’t need a drop of holistic background to fall in love with the characters and empathize with their struggles, the struggles so many of us have trying to find authenticity and balance a midst the confusion and unfairness of life. The author doesn’t just share her life, she offers a path. I’m intrigued. I never thought I’d say this, but I feel like taking yoga.”
Happy reading! Just go to http://amzn.to/15S76wr.
Becca Chopra