In this book, Dr. Northrup shares all the insight she has gained in her 60-something years to help readers find peace and well-being not only in body, but also mind and Spirit. And also how they are inextricably connected in creating your own personal heaven in your life.
She writes how as an OB-GYN trying to make a difference in her practice, honoring the wisdom of women's bodies, she faced roadblocks until she discovered that... "my strength and help lay in my connection with the Creator rather than simply myself."
So how does one connect with Divine inspiration? First, she writes we need to understand that we are Souls rather than bodies, and accept the concept of reincarnation and clear karmic baggage from past lives.
"Understanding the true immortal nature of yourself - understanding that your Soul is on a journey through many lifetimes - is a powerful tool in your efforts to make life easy."
Dr. Northrup describes how to get in touch with the Divine, establishing a relationship with the nonphysical aspect of yourself. One of the first things she explains is how to understand the obstacle of the ego and love it away. She shares healing processes such as Past-Life Regression, Divine Love Petitions, How to Work with and Interpret your Dreams, Simple Meditations, and Consciously Receiving From Nature.
So, what is the purpose of all these processes? To have more faith in God and the Divine than we do in our own ego, which uses fear to protect oneself from feeling pain, loss and sorrow.
How often do we try to make sense of things that go wrong in our lives? She writes:
"Faith that things happen for a reason is really the only way through.... When you practice true surrender and offer everything to the Divine - over and over and over - you will eventually discover true spaciousness and peace opening up before you and within you. You will have transformed your fear into faith."
Once Dr. Northrup shares her insight into your Soul, she provides advice on how to best take care of your body, from stretching and releasing your fascia, regular exercise, practicing balance, eating well, and enhancing food with love.
One of the most interesting sections of the book, for me, was the chapter on Tending Your Vital Life Force... that Sacral Chakra creative surge that comes through our bodies, minds and Spirits as physical pleasure, desire, excitement, sexuality, curiosity, art, music, and reproduction of the species. Dr. Northrup explains the deep connection between sexuality and spirituality and shares how to Turn Yourself On to Life, Pursue Pleasure Deliberately, Engage in Mindful Sexual Expression, and Owning and Operating Your Erotic Anatomy.
Making Life Easy ends with a chapter on the Power of Community, and how to find your "tribe," the people with whom you can have a real connection, acceptance and intimacy.
To become part of Dr. Northrup's tribe, connect through her Internet radio show Flourish!, on social media, and her website, www.drnothrup.com.
Becca Chopra