As we did a healing circle to send energy to the protesters and the situation at Standing Rock, Susan Pa'iniu Floyd, a Hawaiian Shaman and teacher of Kino Mana bodywork with Aloha International, shared her method of distant healing.
Distant Healing Technique from Susan Floyd*:
First, I’ve learned I need to practice releasing tension within myself first, wiith techniques I’ve learned from Serge Kahili King, usually Piko Piko breathing (visualize breathing in energy from the top of your head and releasing it through the bottom of your feet, like bringing in energy through the crown chakra and releasing all tension through the root chakra), and self-massage.
My mission is to get myself into a high state of energy by releasing my own tension, so then I can focus on healing for who and where I want to help on the planet.
The focus on others has as much energy as you have to share. If we don’t have a lot of energy vibrations here, we’ll have less to send them.
In the case of Standing Rock, I’m thinking of everyone there in a state of absolute harmony, relaxation on all sides, because there’s so many people with different points of view. We have a lot of good people there but we’re not finding the right way to communicate yet.
In sending healing energy, we’re sending the thought, the focus. (The Hawaiian Huna principle of Makia applies here: Energy flows were attention goes. So focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.)
We need to focus on the goodness we have and the goodness we want. I’m sending energy waves with a lot of good thoughts to help all involved get back into a state of relaxation, remembering who they are. We have to see a higher vision.
This is my commitment to the world now – to release my own tension so that I’m able to give more.
*Comments in italics are made by Becca Chopra
Many thanks to Susan Floyd. For more information on her Kino Mana classes, see I offer an invitation to all healers to comment or share their method of distant healing for Standing Rock, and for the many people and situations in the world that need help.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet