Wherever you are, wherever you go, you are always connected to Divine Wisdom, Divine Intelligence, and Divine Love.
Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your 7th or Crown Chakra. Spiritual oneness is the goal of opening the 7th chakra, the crown chakra, the point of knowing and enlightenment. It is our highest energy center, representing liberation, deep understanding, enlightenment and spiritual growth. It represents union with the higher self and the Divine.
Major issues of an unbalanced Crown Chakra are lack of meaning in your life, a feeling of aloneness, depression, and on the physical level, chronic exhaustion and addictions to psychotropic and mind-altering drugs.
A balanced Crown Chakra brings a profound awakening, a connection to our spiritual nature as well as to cosmic consciousness.
In addition to silent meditation, chanting and conscious breathing, a beneficial yoga pose to increase circulation to this chakra is the Downward Dog.
All we have learned and healed through the lower six chakras merges and travels up the spine to the Crown Chakra, creating a purple color. Here we open ourselves to awareness of the divine and our highest consciousness. Focus on breathing in violet light, relaxing, letting go. Keeping your focus on the crown of your head, allow the chakra to open, visualizing it as a crown of light above your head. Feel it expanding and opening to the wonder and radiance of spirit. Send love up and out the crown chakra and then welcome its return in a beam of light that pours down through your whole being. Let the energy flow through you and around you and embrace totality.
Breathe in the power and the healing. Imagine a rainbow of light pouring down your body, from your crown chakra down to your root chakra, enveloping you in harmony with everything above and below and around you.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries