In my novel, The Chakra Diaries, all the characters need to build a strong Root Chakra foundation before they can move on to achieve what they want in life. Estrella especially experiences the feelings of isolation, abandonment and lack of trust associated with an unbalanced root chakra, and needs to find the safe place within herself that was not given to her in her childhood home.
Your first chakra, the root chakra, is the base of security and safety. It is associated with our basic instincts of survival – food, shelter, health and self-preservation. It is the very foundation of our being and our identity. It is located at the base of the spine, its associated color is red.
When unbalanced, you may feel fear, anxiety, insecurity, self-centeredness, low self-esteem, and physical problems such as lower back pain, sciatica, constipation, weight issues, and even addictions to food or alcohol.
When it is balanced, your mind is calm and clear and you feel a sense of profound physical connection to the earth.
Try these yoga poses to help increase circulation and energy in the lower abdomen and energize your root chakra: Pelvic Rotations, Butterfly, and the Squat with Sound Breath.
Inhale deeply, hold your breath and then exhale. Bring your attention to the base of your spine. Visualize a red whirling ball of energy there. See the red getting brighter and stronger as it goes down both your legs – filling every cell with invigorating energy. Let it flow out through your feet into the center of the earth. Let the healing red energy form deep roots anchoring you, holding you safe and secure. Know that you belong on this earth. With a deep breath, draw up the healing energy of Mother Earth into your root chakra. Feel the security, strength and comfort of belonging here in your chosen place.
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries