“Whatever you love with positive energy will manifest more abundantly.” ~ Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.
Serge Kahili King helped me apply his “instant” energy healing technique, Dynamind, to chakra healing. Now, as we enter a New Year, a year holding new promise and hope for love and peace in our lives, and in our world, it’s the perfect time to apply the Dynamind Process to healing the Heart Chakra.
Usind Dynamind to balance the Heart Chakra can bring forth more love and compassion in your life….
Located at the center of the chest, the fourth chakra, the Heart Chakra, represents selfless love and devotion, kindness, empathy and compassion. It vibrates with the energy of the color green. When the Heart Chakra is balanced, you feel free to give and receive love in all its expressions – passion, caring, rapport, understanding, empathy, compassion and forgiveness.
1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.
2) DECLARE – Say aloud the condition you’re feeling that you would like to change, e.g,
“I feel sad and depressed and I know that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”
If you have no symptoms to release, you can use Dynamind to strengthen the Heart Chakra, with a declaration such as:
“I’m not as caring as I want to be. I want to nurture and reach out to others like the wind blowing through the leaves of a tree.”
3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine (the 7th cervical vertebra).
4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet.
Repeat until you feel the desired result.
Follow along with me in using Dynamind to balance all seven chakras in the Kindle book, BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS, BALANCE YOUR LIFE, and the DVD, Balance & Tone Your Chakras.
Happy New Year!
Becca Chopra